Monday, February 4, 2013

The truths in our hearts

I recently had a heart transplant. Not one done by a surgeon in a top notch medical center but one done by my creator and savior. Jesus. One fall morning in 2011 I was chatting with the Pastor's wife, who is one of the most amazing women and someone that I truly admire, and she shared with me that the words that we speak are a reflection of our heart. That hit me like a punch in the gut and I cried and cried like a baby. I just realized that I had an ugly heart. My heart had gone through a lot in the prior years such as a baby with kidney issues and 3 surgeries, a husband with job loss, debt to the IRS, etc. and during that time my heart grew hard. It wasn't over night but it was one of those things when all of the sudden you wonder what the heck happened to you. When Heather shared that with me I realized that I had grown ugly and it was obvious by the way I was speaking. I wasn't a meanie all the time but I did grow negative, angry and blamed God for a lot of my problems and I lashed out at the people closest to me. I knew the way I was going about it wasn't working for me and that is when I surrendered my life to Jesus. Since then I have literally had a transformation of my heart and, just like Heather said, the words that I speak are a reflection of what's happening on the inside because I don't speak the way I used to. Now the words that flow from my lips are words of hope, appreciation, love and thanks. Chris and I put God first in everything that we do and in all decisions that we make, we pray about it first. It's amazing that once you put God first, everything else just falls into place. I was made into a new person and I am not the same girl I was before I had a relationship with Jesus. There is a Christian song that goes something like "He makes all things new..." and I am proof of that. Life is so much easier when I surrender to Jesus instead of trying to do it my way.

I also believe another way to show the reflection of our heart is where our time and money is spent. If you watch people and see where they put their time and their money it will revel a lot about them. It will show their priorities. I bet if you looked online at your bank account and tracked where you've spent money the last month or two it would revel to you what your hearts desires are. Sometimes we need to reevaluate ourselves and get our priorities back in check or we will keep spinning in place.

I urge you to listen to the words you're speaking, check out your bank statements and evaluate where you spend most of your time. Look and see what the truths are inside your heart and decide if you are okay with your hearts desires or if you need to make changes. Ask Jesus to reveal these truths to you and once they are revealed and if you don't like them just ask Him to help to make you new.

Once you decide the changes you want to make it is going to take some work on your part along with prayer, patience, faith and new patterns. For me I had to surround myself around people that I wanted to look like, I only listened to Christian music, I chose for my Facebook news feed to consist of messages of hope, love and positive messages, I sought wisdom from others who held values I respected and I prayed....I prayed a lot and all throughout my day. I begged Jesus to reveal himself to me and he did and still does. So, whatever ugliness you reveal about yourself don't be discouraged because you can change it. I know for a fact that the real change comes once you surrender and sometimes it takes everything in your life to fall apart before it can fall into place. 

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.        

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully Beautifully Beautifully written Christina! Been meaning to comment for a while now - just never sat down to do it! I really needed to read this tonight of all nights - can't thank you enough for posting - it was so powerful - you are powerful.
