Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Who's responsible for your happiness? YOU!

People will constantly disappoint you but God never will. I believe in the good in people and that most people do not have the intention of hurting you but it's still bound to happen. Part of that reason is because we depend on others for our happiness. We are self-entitled individuals who feel like it's someone elses job to please us, care of us and make us happy. Ummm...NEGATIVE. We are the only ones in control of our happiness and it's a choice we have to make.

I will not allow anyone else to rob me of my joy! Sounds pretty amazing right? Well, easier said then done. Especially if you're like me and making other people happy is what makes you, yourself happy. I find so much joy is pleasing others. I love to make people laugh, I love to make people feel good about themselves, I love to make people happy! But I have to realize that just as someone isn't responsible for MY happiness - I am not with theirs either. If I am upsetting someone or hurting them it is their job to tell me, otherwise how am I supposed to know? Sorry....don't have a crystal ball here! I put so much pressure on myself to be responsible for other people and starting today I am done with that. I know that I am kind, I know that I am fun, I know that my heart is sincere and I know that I would never, ever, EVER intentionally say or do something to hurt someone or make them feel bad. So with that, I am no longer taking ownership for other peoples emotions. If someone perceives something I say or do in a way that upsets them then they should speak up. Because more often than not it's probably more about them and not me. And on the flip side - I need to be better at this myself. I need to not blame people for making me feel a certain way too.

As I said before, I am in charge of my own happiness. So what does that mean? It means that no person, including my dad, my family, a man, my kids, my friends are responsible for making this chick happy. I am! I get up each day and I have choices to make. What will I wear? How will I fix my hair? And most important - I am going to allow any person or situation to have the power over me to dictate my mood for that day? NOOOOO! I am empowered knowing that Christ lives in me and through Him I am strong and I can choose to be happy no matter what my circumstances are. This doesn't mean that I am not human and don't get mad, sad, or whatever. But I don't blame others. I allow myself to feel because that makes me real but I don't allow myself to fall. Feeling is a way to fully live life - through the joy, pain, or whatever but falling means you're knocked down and God doesn't want us to be knocked down, he wants us firmly planted on His truth that we are loved, forgiven and not forsaken.

Each day I drop my kiddos off and I tell them the same thing "have a good day and make it great and make good choices." That's right...MAKE IT GREAT. They have the ability to decide if they are having a great day or a bad day. Sure, things will come their way through the day that aren't good and do suck but you can either dwell, take it personal and fall apart or you can stand firm in your truth and continue on. You and I have choices to make in our day and the ability to allow others to have that sort of power over us but really, we are the ones with all the power! Our happiness is up to us and us only.

Be happy. It feels good. :)

Monday, April 22, 2013

23 vs 33

Today I sit here 33 years old. I'm really still a puppy but compared to myself at 23 I'm pretty damn grown up! I was thinking about my life over the past 10 years and how it's kind of come full circle. I am in a similar situation that I was in 10 years ago but I'm not the same gal I was 10 years ago. I was thinking of the significant differences at 23 vs. 33 and so here it goes:

Financial Security - So money is really the root of all evil, but that said it sure does help. My 23 year old self was not as financially secure as I am today. Some of that comes with time, stronger career, hard work, etc. But  a lot of it comes from wisdom and making smart choices. Sure we all like to blow our cash on stuff we want but there's a better sense of security that comes from having money in the bank, a roof over your head and not needing to worry about tomorrow. So at 23 I would just live in the moment financially and spend, spend spend without thinking about my future and at 33 I'm living for the future financially! I mean before I know it I'll be at retirement age if the next 30 years go as fast as the last 30....

It's gonna be okay! - So at 23 a crisis would happen and it was the end of the world to me! Oh boy would I worry, cry, be upset and feel like life was over FOREVER. At 33 I have been through enough to know that really, it's gonna be alright. It just is! I believe this because I know that God's plan for me is great than I could ever imagine for myself. Do I still worry? Sometimes, yes. Do I still get upset and emotional? Of course, I am human. But the difference between 23 and 33 is at 23 it would paralyze me. At 33 it drives me!

Love - Love at 23 was something that I thought I needed. At 33 it's something I don't want anymore (well I say that but if you really knew my heart you would know that's not true). In all seriousness love is more than actions and words. Love is defined as total commitment. That's not easy to come by either. Think about your love for your kids (if you have them). You are probably totally committed and dedicated to your children, right? When I was 23 it was about being liked, wanted and twitterpated. Which, don't get me wrong, those things are pretty great. But at 33 it's about someone who will ride and die with you. Silly right? But really it's about someone who will be committed to you no.matter.what. That is what love is about. Save your roses, save your sweet text messages. Really all I want at 33 is someone who will show up for me. Day after day after day....Someone who will show up when I'm happy, someone who will show up when I'm sad, someone who doesn't have to say or do anything other than just simply show up for me. And not only will they show up, but they will stay....

Friendships - So when you're 23 you think that everyone is your "best friend." You think about who you hang with the most, who comes to all your parties, who makes you feel good to be around, bla bla bla. But at 33 a friend is someone who sees your ugly moments and loves you anyways. A friend is someone who supports you but calls you on the ugly too. And a friend is someone who doesn't make it about them but knows when you need it to be about you. And people are like seasons and sometimes drift in and out of your life and that's ok too.

Know it all - When I was 23 I thought I had things figured out. I was a mom of 2 and held my own and really by time 23 hit I had lived a lot of life compared to most 23 year olds. But looking back, I really didn't know much! And the thing about being 33 is I can still say - I don't know a gosh damn thing! Haha. Really, I am getting wiser in some areas but I am okay with saying "I don't know."

Boundaries - It's okay to set boundaries with people! At 23 I would just say yes to everything and really worried about everyone else. I actually did that up until this year and have been learning how to set boundaries. This has been HUGE for me. It's okay, to put limits on certain people and not everyone needs to know all the details about your life, or you can tell certain people no when asked for a favor or even say no to family when needed. My friend Shannon told me to give myself permission to set boundaries in my life and putting up those blocks on certain situations or people has actually allowed me the freedom!

They are all just as scared as you - Ever been to a job interview or on a date or anything similar and been totally nervous? When you don't have a lot of life experience under you things are pretty scary. And, the truth is, things are still scary 10 years later. But the difference is I have realized that they are just as scared as you are, if not more! The "they" could be anything or anyone. You know who "they" are in your life.

There's so much I could go on and on about. And really, it's not like I think I'm all that wise or a know-it-all, but I have gained some wisdom over the last 10 years and I continue to grow, learn, evolve and be a better me. I have no idea what I'll be saying when I'm 43 but all I can  hope is that me at 43 is better than the me at 33 and that's how I'll know I'm doing something right. I haven't been broken yet, or ruined or destoryed from what's been thrown at me, I've just been made better.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Punched in the gut

Ever been punched in the gut? You know what it's like to take the kind of blow and have the wind knocked out of you. You feel dizzy, like you can't breath but you have to remind yourself to and you've lost your bearings. But after a few moments you pull yourself together and you're okay again.

It doesn't just take a bar fight for that feeling because life can throw you punches too. And damnit, it hurts! Recently life punched me in the gut and for a minute and I couldn't breathe and I had to remind myself to take in a big deep breath. For a minute it hurt really, really bad. But each day it stings a little less and the aches are still there but I can still breathe and the pain isn't as bad as the initial shock of the sucker punch.

That's the thing about a sucker punch is you never know when it's gonna come. Funny they call it sucker punch which implies the person getting hit is the "sucker" but really the one throwing the punch is the real sucker. Only a "sucker" would hit someone so hard that it knocks them off their feet with no warning. A true fighter would set the date, put on their gloves and at least allow you the opportunity to brace yourself or fight back. But nope, suckers punch you out of the blue because they are the weak one.

Being knocked down only gives you the opportunity to get back up again. And when you're hurt, you're feeling weak and you just want to scream is the moment that shows your true character. Do you scream? Do you lay there and cry? Not me! I cowgirl up, get up, wipe the tears and move the hell on. I don't kick and scream but instead I take the hit and keep on keepin' on.

The truth is, there's no way to prepare yourself of life's punches in the gut. But you can build your character in a way that when you do get hit you don't stay down.

As for the punch in the gut I got...Let's say it was a cheap shot that I really didn't see coming and it f'ing hurt! But I'm back up on my feet.